शुक्रवार, मई 07, 2010

Friendship (Amistad)

Hi all, This is my first Spanish poem and I want to share it with you all. Its about friendship and its as simple as the friendship. I have done the english translation as well in the end. :)

En Español (In Spanish)
Mi vida es especial contigo,
Tu eres mi respiración mi amigo.
Que belleza brotaba de nuestra amistad,
No me imagino un dia sin ti.

Mi amigo apasionado, inocente como el mar,
La llama de la amistad nunca se extinguirá en la vida como el mar.
La magia de nuestra amistad es increíble,
Es muy fascinante lo que quiero decirte.

Mi vida es especial contigo,
Tu eres mi alma mi amigo

In English (En Inglés)
My life is special with you,
You are my breath my friend.
What a gushing beauty of our friendship,
I can not imagine a day without you.

My friend - passionate, innocent as the sea,
The flame of friendship will never be extinguished in the life as the sea.
The magic of our friendship is incredible,
I want to tell you, how fascinating it is.

My life is special with you,
You are my breath my friend.


4 टिप्‍पणियां:

आपके विचार एवं सुझाव मेरे लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं तो कृपया अपने विचार एवं सुझाव अवश दें. अपना कीमती समय निकाल कर मेरी कृति पढने के लिए बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया.